Facilitating Well Being and Relief
from Discomfort

Pain is a warning signal from the brain. To experience pain relief, the brain and autonomic nervous system must be satisfied that no warning is necessary. The Harmonic Egg works with the body’s own energy coursing through the nervous system to calm and rebalance this energy. With this energy therapy, we have seen significant pain relief, a reduction in inflammation, and a general improvement in physical healing among clients.

It is clear that “hearing” is not restricted to the ears and light sensitivity to the eyes. The vibrations from music are enjoyed by the deaf by being picked up by their muscles and bones. The skin can bring nutrients to the body when exposed to light. The Harmonic Egg encircles the body in light and sound, so the whole body can rejuvenate.

What People are Saying About the Harmonic Egg

I believe my healing was accelerated from doing sessions in the Harmonic Egg. I am 65 years old with a pacemaker and on many prescription drugs. Six days after knee replacement surgery I had no appetite and was still feeling under anesthesia. I went in for a Harmonic Egg session and a few hours later had an appetite for the first time since surgery. Lots of inflammation was reduced too. I did one session a week after that until week 6 after the surgery. I got off the pain meds in just 3 weeks (doctors expected 6-8 weeks). I was able to stop using the walker and cane after 3.5 weeks. I did my PT and was at 101 degrees of bend, which seemed to surprise the doctor after just 6 weeks.”

“I used to have a fairly consistent 17-22 mile/week running routine. About 6 years ago, my health took a turn for the worse and running became a struggle. Around this time, I started having issues with my right ankle. I did all the standard stuff, physical therapy, casts, boots, orthotics, etc. The pain would go away for a short time only to reappear in a different area in the ankle. So, I stopped running all together. The day before my Harmonic Egg session I went out for a 3-mile walk and limped the whole last mile home.

When I was in the Harmonic Egg, my right foot was ‘manipulated’ at least twice. It felt like a chiropractic type of movement – the foot was manipulated in a circular movement. Yesterday I ran about a mile with absolutely no pain. The ankle feels 100% today! Woot Woot!! I’m so excited to be able to get back into running again!”

“I’ve had once-a-month, two-day, migraine headaches since my twenties. The medical doctors only offered meds; never a way to reduce the pain or get rid of the headaches. A headache started before going to my Harmonic Egg appointment and it was gone by the time I left! A few hours instead of 2 days! This is the first real relief I have ever received.”

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